
thirty-seventh mug shot. may 31. green & red mug. bowtied in the backyard.

green bowtie is actually a headband, 
you can get yours at the owl's nest
made by a wonderful lady named melissa

ps. i have awesome customers..  :)

thirty-sixth mug shot. may 30. greetings mug. double smiles. guest blogger charlotte.

meow meow meow meow.

"thank you, brian, for the surprise cup of superior flavoured coffee."
"i'll miss you."

thirty-fifth mug shot. may 29. HO³ mug. this is my studio.

mr. sun is burning a hole 
in the wall 
thanks to the skylight. 
the fan is at top speed.
the ceiling is peeling.

it is very warm.


thirty-third mug shot. may 27. flower mug. magic tea. fun times.

taken on a manual camera, old skool!!

thanks to the special lady who took this 
and her boy for the hospitality.

thirty-second mug shot. may 26. cat mug. meow.

today's mug shot is dedicated to my brother tim
who is celebrating his last day of work tomorrow. 
(for now.) and who has always been so supportive 
and proud of his sister for never embarrassing him 
or looking like a complete disaster on the internet 
while advertising our blood relation.



twenty-seventh mug shot. may 21. retro triangles mug. morning coffee, smoothie & sun.

the beginning of another beautiful day full of inspiration and energy.
there is no doubt in my mind that this is a very special time in Time. 
open your hearts and minds and ears and eyes and spread the love.
xo <3!


twenty-sixth mug shot. may 20. half moon mug, "for short coffee breaks". front porch. endless sun.

beautiful sunny day. black coffee. best company.

edit: afterthought: today was first quarter moon.

twenty-fifth mug shot. may 19. actually, february 27. stranraer mug. sausage breath.

what foresight. taken by Nathan, months before meetmymug was born. enjoying a cup of coffee with a delicious homemade breakfast. a favourite mug, simply due to its variety of type and combo of colour. Stranraer is a Scottish town.


twenty-third mug shot. may 17. happy to be back in the studio. owl mug.

me and Armless Annie, back at it. great weekend, lots of sun, lots of self-study. still working away at an overwhelming to-do list but feeling up for the challenge, in part from reading "work as a spiritual practice". highly recommended for anyone (self-employed or not) struggling with imbalances in life & work. 

mr. owl is a present from amanda, who really truly made my day. thanks, amanda!!

twenty-second mug shot. may 16. white triangles on a yellow mug. shower time.


twenty-first mug shot. may 15. owl mug. special guest amanda.

so special I can't even put it into words.


twentieth mug shot. may 14. backyard. william's mug. chakra re-alignment.

create avatar

in the middle of the garden, actively working to re-align, re-connect, re-balance. 

shot by brian. { HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRIAN!! :) }


nineteenth mug shot. may 13. broken promises. empty mug. mild insanity.

promised myself no more 12-hour workdays, two mugs ago.. broken promise. white ceramic mug with mere traces of a delicious coffee substance from this morning.. empty mug. wondering if my bangs are too long.. mild insanity. going to make sure i leave the house tomorrow.


eighteenth mug shot. may 12. after yoga in the back yard. cherry blossom mug.

on the porch & on top of garage. post yoga practice (vinyasa flow). pre pizza. vanilla latte espresso protein drink. cherry blossom mug, a gift from tim, who also gets credit for the photos. thanks, tim!!

seventeenth mug shot. may 11. midnight. dinner. yellow striped glass mug. lemon water.

promised myself this would be the last 12-hour workday, wrapping up a crazy couple of weeks. looking tired but feelin' alright. 
made some soup and did my yoga practice as it warmed. 
now a couple more hours of work and then sleep.


fourteenth mug shot. may 8. on the phone with mom. nescafe instant coffee mug. drinking cold morning coffee in the afternoon.

happy mother's day!

thirteenth mug shot. may 7. 2nd floor hallway. me and amelia. "damn straight i keep score"

"damn straight i keep score" is a present from the lovely kristina, who also gets credit for the photo.

twelfth mug shot. may 6. save the fishies. mug says "Protect our Endangered Creatures. The Earth is a home that belongs to us all."

eleventh mug shot. may 5. meditation break... Ironsides mug. drinkin' water. feelin' good.

meditation break. working late again. big studio mess. fulfilling & shipping orders from the busiest week in the 2.5 year history of the business. Ironsides mug. drinkin' water. feelin' good.

tenth mug shot. may 5. 2am. still answering emails. so tired. florida mug of pens and things.

ninth mug shot. april 4. super sunny daytime and another 25 cent mug.

eighth mug shot. may 3. taken by 2 year old Oliver at his place.

seventh mug shot. may 2. bad dog cafe, locke street south. Tracie gets photo credit!

sixth mug shot. may 1. kicking horse coffee, black, french press. thanks, brian!

fifth mug shot. april 30. green tea and kombucha after hot yoga.

fourth mug shot. april 29. this one is part of a flower series, got them for 25 cents apiece at horizon thrift store on james north.

third mug shot. april 28. a favourite, classy bowling. please welcome charlotte to the ring.

second mug shot. april 27. introducing Armless Annie.

first mug shot. april 22. stolen lighter brings abundance of power. tracie is a sailor.